The Police Codes known as the Police 10 Code list was the beginning. There is a list of Police codes called the Police 11 Codes that offer even more descriptions for the Police Scanner communications.
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Notice: The Police 11 Code Definitions below are closely related to the Sponsored Links on the right side of this Page. Have I presented the Subject well enough??
Police 11 Codes list.
11-6 Illegal discharge of firearms
11-7 Prowler
11-8 Person down
11-10 Take a report
11-12 Dead animal
11-13 Injured animal
11-14 Animal bite
11-15 Ball game in street
11-17 Wires down
11-24 Abandoned Vehicle
11-25 Vehicle – Traffic hazzard
11-25X Female motorist need assistance
11-26 Abandoned bicycle
11-27 Subject has felony record, but is not wanted
11-28 Rush vehicle registration information
11-29 Subject has no record
11-30 Incomplete telephone call
11-31 Person calling for help
11-40 Advise station if ambulance is needed
11-41 Request Ambulance
11-42 Ambulance not required
11-43 Doctor required
11-44 Coroner required
11-45 Attempted suicide
11-46 Death report
11-47 Injured Person
11-48 Provide Transportation
11-54 Suspicious vehicle
11-65 Traffic Signal light out
11-66 Traffic Signal Out-of-order
11-70 Fire Alarm
11-71 Fire Report
11-79 Traffic Accident – Ambulance dispatched
11-80 Traffic Accident – Serious Injury
11-81 Traffic Accident – Minor Injury
11-82 Traffic Accident – No Injury
11-83 Traffic Accident – No Details
11-84 Direct Traffic
11-85 Dispatched Tow Truck
11-86 Special Detail
11-87 Assist Other Unit
11-95 Out of vehicle, car stop (location/license)
11-96 Out of vehicle, car stop, send backup(location/license)
11-98 Meet Officer
11-99 Officer needs Help/Emergency
These are additional resources for Police Codes.
If there are any Police Codes that are not in the list above here is a custom search that is tuned to provide search results geared to the Police Codes in your area.

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