Police Codes Scanner 14-19 List
Police Codes are slightly different from City to City so when listening on your Police Scanner you may have to look thru more than 1 of our listings for the proper Police Codes. This is especially true if you are on the boundary of 2 or more Cities.
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Scanner Codes 14 – 19 Listing
14 Ambulance in route
15 Citizens holding suspect
17F Fugitive attachment
17M Municipal court attachment
17T Traffic attachment
18 Traffic incident
19 Drunk
20 Auto accident
20I Injury accident
20A Airplane crash
20F Fatal accident
21 Complaint
23 Traffic congestion
24 Medical emergency
25 Call dispatcher
26 Police officer
27 Attempted crime
28 Inciting a felony
29 Death
30 Homicide
30C Homicide by cutting
30S Homicide by shooting
32 Accessory to a felony
34 Aggravated battery
34C Cutting
34S Shooting
35 Simple battery
37 Aggravated assault
38 Simple assault
39 Negligent injury
42 Aggravated rape
43 Simple rape
44 Aggravated kidnapping
45 Simple kidnapping
51 Aggravated arson
51B Bomb threat
52 Simple arson
52E Explosives
52F Fire
54 Combustible materials
56 Criminal damage
58 Contaminated water
59 Criminal Mischief
60 Aggravated burglary
62 Alarms
62B Simple burglary
62C Auto burglary
62R Residential burglary
62S Safe burglary
63 Criminal Trespass
63S Sit-in
64 Armed robbery
64G Armed robbery/gun
64K Armed robbery/knife
65 Simple robbery
65P Purse snatching
66 Extortion threats
67 Offer a bribe to executive officer
68 Unauthorized use of a movable
69 Deter/resist executive officer (other than peace officer)
69 Possession of stolen goods
71 Issuing worthless checks
71 Threaten injury to school officer or employee
72 Forgery
80 Carnal knowledge of juvenile
81 Indecent behavior with juvenile
82 Prostitution
84 Pandering
87 Abortion
89 Crime against nature
90 Gambling
90C Gambling, cards
90D Gambling, dice
91 Unlawful sale to minor
93 Cruelty to juvenile
94 Illegal use of weapon
95 Illegal carrying of gun
98 Driving while intoxication (DWI)
99 Reckless operation
100 Hit and run
102 Take or destroy property in custody of officer
118 Perjury
136.1(A) Intimidation of witness or victim
136.1(B1) Intimidation of witness or victim from reporting crime
136.1(C1) Intimidation of witness or victim by force/threat of violence
137(a) Offer bribe to influence testimony
146a Impersonating a peace officer
148 Interfering with an officer
148 Resisting Arrest
148.1 False report of a bomb
148.5 False report of a crime
150 Refuse to aid an officer
151(A1) Advocate killing/injuring officer
187 Homicide
192.1 Voluntary manslaughter
192.2 Involuntary manslaughter
192.3 Vehicular manslaughter
203 Mayhem
207 Kidnapping
207A Kidnapping attempt
209A Kidnapping for ransom/extortion
209B Kidnapping for robbery
211 Robbery
211A Robbery alarm
211S Robbery alarm, silent
217 Assault with intent to murder
220 Assault with intent to mayhem/sex crime
236 False imprisonment
240 Assault – Misdemeanor
241 Assault on peace officer/EMT/firefighter
242 Battery
243 Assault on Police Officer
243A Battery against a citizen
243B Battery against a peace officer
244 Throwing acid with intent to disfigure or burn
245 Assault with a deadly weapon
245B Assault with a deadly weapon against a peace officer
246 Shooting at an inhabited dwelling or vehicle
261 Rape
261.5 Rape – under 18 years of age
261A Attempted rape
262 Rape of spouse
266H Pimping
266I Pandering
270 Child neglect/failing to pay the support payments
271 Child abandonment – under 14
272 Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
273 Assault on Person
273.5A Corporal injury to spouse/cohabitant
273A Child neglect
273D Corporal injury upon child
273D Wife beating – Felony
278 Child abduction from parent or guardian
285 Sex crimes against family member(s)
288 Lewd Conduct / Felony sex offense
288 Sex offense against a child
288A Oral copulation
290 Sex registration
311 Loud and Obscene
311.2A Possession of obscene matter
311.2B Possessing obscene matter depicting a minor
314 Indecent exposure
330 Gambling
373 Public nuisance misdemeanors (spitting in public places, etc.)
374B Garbage dumping
374B Illegal dumping
390 Drunk
390C Drunk in Vehicle
390D Drunk, unconscious
402B Abandoned refrigerator
404 Riot
407 Unlawful Assembly
415 Disturbing the peace
415B Investigate the Trouble
415C Disturbance – Children involved
415D Disturbance – Drunk involved
415E Loud Music or Party
415F Disturbance – Family
415G Disturbance – Gang
417 Person with a gun
417A Person with a knife
447 Arson
451 Arson
459 Burglary
459A Burglar Alarm, audible
459S Burglar Alarm, silent
464 Burglary with Explosives
470 Forgery
476A Insufficient funds (checks)
477A Arson
480 Hit and Run – Felony
481 Hit and Run – Misdemeanor
484 Petty theft
484E Theft of a credit card
484fF Forged credit card
484G Illegal use of a credit card
484PS Purse Snatch
487 Grand Theft ($400+)
487.2 Theft from Person or Purse snatch
488 Petty theft (<$400)
496 Receiving stolen property
499B Joyriding
502 Drunk Driving
503 Auto theft
503 Embezzlement
504 Tampering with a vehicle
505 Reckless driving
507 Public nuisance
510 Speeding or racing vehicles
537 Defrauding Innkeeper
537 Nonpayment of a bill (Restaurants, etc.)
537E Article with serial number removed
555 Posted trespass
586 Illegal parking
586E Vehicle blocking Driveway
594 Malicious mischief
594 Vandalism
595 Runaway car
597 Killing or abusing animals
602 Trespassing
602.5 Entry without consent
603 Trespass with damage
603 Unlawful entry
604 Throwing missiles
647 Lewd conduct
647 Vagrant
647A Annoy/molest child
647A Vagrant loitering in Public Place
647B Prostitution
647C Begging
647D Loitering in Restroom
647E Loitering Place to Place
647F Drunk in public
647FF Drunk – enroute to Detox
647G Disorderly conduct – loitering on private property at night
647G Prowler
647H Disorderly conduct – peeking into an inhabited building
647H Illegal Lodging
653M Threatening/Obscene phone calls
901 Vehicle Accident
901 Ambulance Call
901A Ambulance Call – Attempted Suicide
901A Injury Accident
901B Ambulance Call – Drowning
901C Ambulance Call – Cutting
901D Ambulance Call – Drunk
901G Ambulance Call – Gas
901H Ambulance Call – Dead Body
901K Ambulance has been dispatched
901N Ambulance requested
901S Ambulance Call – Shooting
901T Ambulance Call – Traffic Accident
901Y Request Ambulance if needed
902 Accident
902H Enroute to Hospital
902N Medical Aid needed
902T Traffic Accident
903 Aircraft Crash
904 Fire
904A Automobile fire.
904B Building fire.
904G Grass fire.
906 Making Arrival
907 Report Writing (after call)
908 End of Shift
909 In Service
909 Traffic problem; police needed.
910 Can handle this detail
912 Vehicle Registration Check
913 Vehicle want/Warrant check
922 Intoxicated Subject
924 En route To Office Or Jail
925 Location
925 Suspicious vehicle.
926 Dead body
927 Suspicious Circumstances/Vehicle
928 Narcotics/Under Influence
932 Turn on _______ mobile relay at _______.
933 Audible Alarm
933 Silent Alarm
933 Turn off mobile relay.
940 Meet Officer or Complainant
949 Burning inspection at _______.
950 Control burn in progress/about to begin/ended.
951 Need fire investigator.
952 Report on conditions
953 Investigate smoke
953A Investigate gas
954 Off the air at the scene of the fire
955 Detail under control
955 Fire is under control.
956 Assignment not finished.
956 Detail incomplete, but available
957 Delayed response of __ minutes
95k Illegally carrying knife
966 Drug Deal
972 Missing Person
978 Driver License Check
980 Restrict calls to emergency only.
981 Attempt to Locate
981 Resume normal traffic
If there are any Police Codes that are not in the list above here is a custom search that is tuned to provide search results geared to the Police Codes in your area.
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i like this website because when i call the cops i can give them the number of what is going on ok by e nice talking to you
I like this website it is interesting just knowing what they are saying in code. Before this website I was confused and didn’t like listening to the scanner. So thanks for the site.